Get Organized with Roll Out Shelves in the New Year!

Get Organized with Roll Out Shelves in the New Year!

This is the time of year you can’t help but take a few moments to look back at the year’s events. This year, like most, seemed to fly by. We have had a very busy year and the milestone event for our business has been moving into our new showroom. The space is still a work-in-progress, but it is certainly feeling more like home all the time.
Perhaps at no other time of year is our desire to change habits, get organized, and simplify stronger. The desire to simplify is a commonly searched topic and for obvious reasons. Our lives are busy and the things coming at us are abundant. We scoured the internet and found no shortage of tips and suggestions on how to simplify, but from WiseBread stood out in the crowd.

While not all 25 items on their list may hit home with you, several seem to be good steps to implement on the road to a simpler life. As a list maker, this idea also appeals to me: make a list of the things you enjoy doing each week and a list of the things you don’t enjoy doing each week. Then examine if there are ways to increase the enjoyed items and decrease the disliked duties.

Regardless what approach to simplification you take, it is worth pursuing. We all seek to make the most of our time and too often let clutter, over-booked schedules, and the inability to say no get in the way of being intentional about how our days are spent.

Another idea to help deal with clutter is to tackle one shelf or drawer at a time, instead of worrying about the whole room.  Here’s where we’d start!

Most of us have one. We don’t want to admit it and we surely don’t want anyone else to see it. The junk drawer. The dumping ground for all of the necessary and not so necessary little stuff that seems to accumulate, but have no official home.

What if your junk drawer wasn’t so junky? What if instead it was neat, clean, and organized. Everything in its place. Wouldn’t that be one small step toward feeling more organized overall? Here is our version of a roll out shelf we designed to help keep that clutter organized in the junk drawer.

We believe every bit of organization helps. Make 2014 your year to get organized or at least conquer the junk drawer!


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